AIA Sub-Saharan Africa: the newest section of AIA International

AIA Sub-Saharan Africa during the celebration of Sections and international design awards recipients by AIA International on the first day of AIA24 in Washington, DC

Exciting News for Africa: AIA Sub-Saharan Africa Launched 

In a significant milestone for the architectural community, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) officially announced the formation of its Sub-Saharan Africa section of AIA International in April 2024. This new section represents the most recent expansion of AIA's international reach, aiming to strengthen connections among architects in the Sub-Saharan African region and the global AIA network. 

Formal Presentation of the Certificate 

The formal announcement was marked by a ceremonial presentation on June 5, 2024, at the prestigious Marriot Marquis Hotel in Washington, DC, USA. AIA President Kimberly Dowdell, AIA NOMAC, represented by AIA National Secretary, Britt Lindberg, FAIA, along with AIA International’s Representative to AIA Strategic Council, Lester Korzilius, FAIA, presented the certificate of establishment to the Section’s pioneer President, Olanrewaju Olusola, Int’l Assoc. AIA, FNIA, who also serves as At-Large Director for AIA International. 

Leadership and Vision  

Under the capable leadership of Olusola, AIA Sub-Saharan Africa is poised to enhance professional development and collaboration among architects across the region. The leadership team, serving from 2024 to 2026, comprises notable figures in the architectural field: 

  • Mr. Olanrewaju Olusola, Int’l Assoc. AIA, FNIA, FNIM – Nigeria: President 

  • Mr. Barak Mizrachi, Int’l Assoc. AIA, SACAP – South Africa: Vice President 

  • Mr. Ahmad Usman Naibi, Int’l Assoc. AIA, MNIA – Nigeria: Secretary 

These leaders bring a wealth of experience and a shared vision of fostering a vibrant architectural community in Sub-Saharan Africa. 


Goals and Opportunities 

AIA Sub-Saharan Africa is committed to providing its members with better access to AIA's global network by creating a local forum for interaction. This initiative includes organizing lectures, seminars, and professional development opportunities tailored for all architecture professionals, regardless of AIA membership status.  

The section is designed to operate akin to an AIA Chapter, with the distinction that AIA International will handle the main administrative responsibilities, legal, and core member services. This structure ensures that local efforts are supported by the robust resources and expertise of AIA International, thereby enhancing the professional growth of architecture professionals in the region. 


Building Connections and Enhancing Skills 

AIA Sub-Saharan Africa's mission is to bridge the gap between members and their international counterparts. By facilitating regular interactions, knowledge sharing, and collaborative projects, the section aims to elevate the quality of architectural practice in the region. The professional development programs will cover a wide range of topics, from the latest design trends and sustainable practices to advanced technological tools and innovative construction methods. 



The launch of the AIA Sub-Saharan Africa section marks a new era for architecture professionals in the region, offering them unparalleled opportunities to connect, learn, and grow within a globally recognized framework. With a strong leadership team and a clear vision for the future, AIA Sub-Saharan Africa is set to make a lasting impact on the architectural landscape of the region.  


Stay tuned for upcoming events and initiatives from AIA Sub-Saharan Africa as we work together to build a brighter, more connected future for architects and the communities they serve. 

Lanre Olusola, FNIA, FNIM, FIMC, Int'l Assoc. AIA
President, AIA Sub-Saharan Africa
At-Large Director, AIA International
Country Representative I (Nigeria) AIA International