Living Place Copenhagen. Photo credit: Adam Mork
The recent AIA CE Chinon Conference held 5 - 8 October 2023 was a resounding success! Organized by Carsten Hansen, Intl. Assoc. AIA, the focus was on heritage and historic preservation, and included visits to Chinon and Tours.
Ray Spano, AIA, continues to offer our members fascinating French section events, most recently a tour of Studio Gang’s exhibition at Gallerie ArchiLib in Paris on 4 October and a visit on 7 December to the ABB showroom in Paris, organized by AIA Continental Europe Gold Corporate Partner ABB.
AIA International’s Global Architecture Mentorship Program, initiated by Michelle Montgomery, has 95 mentees. The program is looking for mentors, especially in South Africa, Philippines, and Middle Eastern regions, so please reach out to if you are interested in mentoring a young architect.
93 Petit. Photo credit: studio razavi architecture and Schnepp Renou
The work of our AIA Continental Europe members continues to receive recognition! In the 2023 AIA International Design Awards ceremony in Mexico City, Alireza Razavi, AIA, of studio razavi architecture received a Commendation for Architecture for their Paris Condominium project, “93 Petit”. For more information about this project please see: or follow @studiorazavi on Instagram. Jake Spruit, AIA, and his office EFFEKT Architects, were awarded both the Merit Award for Architecture and the Sustainable Future Award for their project, “Living Places Copenhagen”. For more information about the project, please see
Earlier this year, Vincent Marani, AIA, of Marani Architects received recognition for “Via Una”, a renovation of an office building from the 1930s. The building is listed as a national monument in the Czech Republic. The project received the 2022-2023 International Property Award for Best Mixed Use Architecture, International and European.
We are grateful for the efforts of AIA Continental Europe members Nicholas Gilliland AIA, First Vice-President, and Chee Xu, AIA who have re-launched AIA Continental Europe’s Design Awards program, AIACE DA. The program was originally begun by Yael Kinsky, FAIA and has now been re-invigorated. Our Chapter clearly has many talented members whose work needs to be recognized and celebrated in this new and important forum!
As we look ahead to 2024, Sergio Danese, AIA, and Morgan Danner, AIA, are organizing Italy section visits to Bologna, Italy in Spring 2024. Finally, Rada Doytcheva, FAIA, is organizing our next AIA Continental Europe Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria for Fall 2024.
Sophia A Gruzdys, AIA
AIA Continental Europe Past President and Chapter Representative, AIA International