President's Letter - December 2020


President’s Letter

December 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The AIA International Region Virtual Conference has been a resounding success!  We had nearly 3,000 registrants from 90 different countries who enjoyed more than 50 superb presentations.  The breadth and quality was truly outstanding. Many people have said it was the best AIA event, live or online, that they had ever attended!  The event only happened because of a concerted global effort, and the energy and enthusiasm were fantastic. This shows the amazing possibilities of what we can achieve when we work together. All of the conference sessions are available on-demand [here] and are eligible for continuing education credits. In the future, when the pandemic is behind us, we will still look to continue with some form of virtual conference as we’ve discovered this is a good way to include members who otherwise can’t travel to a physical event.

The International Region wishes AIA National staff members Emily Dorey and Jay Stephens all the best for their futures as they retire from the AIA.  Emily has been our main liaison with National and has been a terrific ally. Jay is the main legal counsel for the AIA, and he has been instrumental in the formation of the international chapters as well as of the International Region itself. Thank you, Emily and Jay!

On behalf of the International Region, we wish you and your family an enjoyable holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year!

Lester Korzilius; FAIA, RIBA
AIA International Region; President