President’s Letter
March 2023
Hello, Everyone!
Welcome to AIA International’s first Newsletter of 2023.
Masks are now “officially” off in Japan – and most places around the world. Most travel restrictions have also been lifted. It has been a slow slog freeing ourselves of the COVID pandemic. It still exists, but life almost everywhere is indeed getting back to normal.
Our “patented” Spring Conference, grown out of necessity during the first year of COVID, was held 09 - 11 March 2023 on the themes of Detail & Storytelling. With over 1200 registrants and 750 attendees, it enjoyed the highest registration, overall attendance, and individual session attendance ever for a Spring Conference. With registrants from more than 80 countries, it is an incredible way for us to exchange worldwide information, get valuable learning experience and credit to our members across the globe – and ALL at an unbeatable price: free! Or, in another way of thinking: priceless! PS: please note, even if you missed the conference, you can still enjoy the recordings and gain CES credit by talking the associated short quiz - go to the Conference Program page on our website.
In conjunction with our At-Large Directors, our Country Representatives have been working on other online events – including our quarterly networking event. Please join these fascinating talks when you get the chance.
For live events – there are many – please check our website, as well as the Chapter websites and email blasts for info. I will highlight here that A’23 in San Francisco (07-10 June) is fast approaching. And we are so thrilled to be holding our own AIA International Conference in Mexico City on 02-06 November! It promises to be our best conference yet. I hope to see you all at both.
On a final note, The AIA International team has been working tirelessly on creating new Sections in several places around the world. These Sections act in a similar way to Chapters under the AIA International umbrella and will allow cities, countries, or geographic regions to be better organized and provide local membership a voice and more ways to participate thanever before.
All the above - and more - are described in the following Newsletter pages.
Exciting times to be involved – happy reading and learning!
With warm regards,
Scott Gold, AIA, SAME
AIA International President