International Fellows Update - March 2023

Giancarlo Alhadeff FAIA and Prof. Li Xiaodong Hon FAIA

The International Representatives to the Council of Fellows, George Kunihiro, Sherif Anis and Steven Miller, were happy to present a lecture as part of the AIA International Spring Conference on March 11. We hope that the presentation by Giancarlo Alhadeff and Prof. Li Xiaodong about projects across Japan, China, Turkey and Europe was of interest to those attending. The range of their work illustrates the breadth of AIA International and its members’ successful work across the world.

This year we are delighted to announce that AIA International has 6 new Fellows and Honorary Fellows! The new Fellows are: 


Ping Jiang, FAIA, AIA Shanghai

Yew Kee Cheong, FAIA, AIA International


And the new Honorary Fellows are:

Xiangming Huang, AIA Shanghai

Jiang Wu, AIA Shanghai

Philip F. Yuan, AIA Shanghai

Congratulations to all on their elevation, and to AIA Shanghai for their successful Fellowship Program!

It is important that we count the Honorary Fellows in our totals, as so many of our members are registered in their own countries though not in the USA. Our total of 6 that means that only 4 States had more Fellows elevated. This year of the 217 applicants only 73 were selected, which represents a 33% success rate. However, applicants from AIA International had a 60% success rate, way above average. 18 of the new Fellows were women and 55 were men. Only one of our Fellows is an International member, i.e. not from a chapter, and the other 5 are all from AIA Shanghai.

What does this mean to AIA International? As Representatives to the College of Fellows, a key part of our role is to support applicants pursuing fellowship. So far for the 2024 cycle, I know of three people from AIA Continental Europe and AIA UK who have shown interest. I would ask other interested parties to let us know. We want to hear from professionals from Japan, Hong Kong, Middle East, and Canada, as well as International members from the future Sections of Latin America, South Korea, Taipei, and Southeast Asia and beyond. All these countries have unique and very special architects who certainly have a story to tell and projects to back them up.

The three of us have been telling the story of Fellowship for over 18 months and are always willing to advise and help any applicant. We hope to hear from you if you have questions about or an interest in becoming a Fellow or Honorary Fellow. Please check out AIA Fellowship - A Conversation for general guidance on the application process. And do not hesitate to contact us at or on our indivudial emails below.

Steven Miller, FAIA, RIBA,

Sherif Anis, FAIA, RIBA ,

George Kunihiro, FAIA, FJIA,

Representatives to the Council of Fellows, AIA International