AIA Shanghai Update - June 2021

Hi Everyone,

Leading a chapter like AIA Shanghai | Beijing is a fascinating challenge. As a chapter, we have a dual purpose – first to help connect our members to knowledge and resources, and second to show our community the value of what we do and the potential of excellent architecture to improve our world.

The way we do this is by supporting our members to develop connections with leaders and emerging talent in every part of the architecture industry, and by promoting the best work of our members. We live and work in one of the most dynamic and extraordinary places in the world – where the past is rich with meaning and the future portends great advances. This is an environment where the opportunities to develop knowledge through discussion and presentation are enormous. The world looks to our work as potentially leading the development of new models for cities, spaces, and the interaction of people with the environment.

At the same time, we are actually a relatively small chapter within the AIA. One of the fun things being involved has been working closely with a group of dedicated people, and getting to know the architects and designers who help make our community so strong and focused. The team of volunteers supporting our chapter this year is larger than ever, and they deserve our commendation for helping us make AIA Shanghai | Beijing such a valuable resource for architects working here.

Thank you too, our members and friends! It’s your support and engagement that help make China such a fascinating place to learn the practice of architecture, and AIA Shanghai | Beijing such a gratifying endeavor to lead. Meeting the professionals who make up our chapter is an infinitely rewarding process, and personally my favorite part of being involved.

Building Connections

The term of a president is short – only a year – but the influence of the role is open ended – and so my goal is to focus on activities that support the development of our chapter by making it more useful for members – by helping the to Build Connections to the resources and knowledge that can help them – and by helping connect our community to the broader world.

Now starting our sixth year as a fully chartered chapter, we want to develop our programs and to promote activities that bring in members at every level form our supporting firms and community. We are organizing activities to connect AIA Architects to our local colleagues in Shanghai and Beijing, to connect our community to the broader AIA International Region, and to help members of every stage of the career connect to leaders in the industry who can help guide their careers and practice.

Beijing Shanghai Forum

This summer we will be holding a conference for our AIA community in China to better connect members in Shanghai and Beijing. We are planning for a 1.5 day event in Beijing including lectures and a special tour. Look for a full announcement with further details next month.

AIA Shanghai | Beijing Design Awards

We are building on the strength of four years of Design Awards to focus on connecting the best of international practice with excellent design in China. So I’m excited to share that Natalie DeVries of MVRDV in Rotterdam and Chris Hardie of Perkins + Will / SHL Shanghai will serve as jurors in this year’s program. Natalie and Chris represent leadership from some of the most innovative and influential international firms operating in China and globally and have a clear understanding of what distinguishes excellent architecture in China today. Their views will help shape our awards program to recognize the very best of practice here.

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Recent Events

On April 10, our Chapter toured the Xuhui Runway Park. Designed by Sasaki, the revitalisation project converts the former Longhua Airport runway into a sustainable urban park by preserving pieces of its past. The airport operated for over 80 years and was Shanghai’s only civilian airport until 1949. The design scheme created diverse linear spaces for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians into one integrated runway system, offering a space of recreation and respite.

Stay tuned for upcoming events!

  • CHHE Highrise Forum

  • Retail/Entertainment Panel

  • Design Charrette

  • Healthcare Architecture Forum

  • Shanghai Planetarium Tour

  • History Walk in Shanghai.

Read more of the AIA Shanghai spring newsletter HERE

Warm regards,

Hugh Whitmore, AIA
President, AIA Shanghai | Beijing 2021