President’s Letter
March 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Following our very successful virtual conference last autumn, we are planning on a one-day virtual mini-conference on Monday, 26th April. Mark your calendars now for what promises to be a fantastic event! The theme will be around sustainability and climate change, and there will be presentations by all International Region chapters and many of our Country Representatives. AIA Gold Medalist Ed Mazria will be giving one of the Keynote addresses. Information will be posted soon on the International Region (IR) website.
The IR website now has more than 100 past events available to view, many of them offering continuing education credits. The depth and breadth of the content is exceptional. We are working on adding quizzes to the view-only sessions so you can get continuing education credits. Have a look at
The IR will host a physical in-person conference in Dubai to coincide with the Dubai Expo. Dates are in discussion but will likely be in early December or in January 2022. We will be making the event a hybrid live/virtual event so that those unable to travel can still participate in some of the conference. Check your emails and the IR website for an announcement on the dates.
Finally, the IR has an Emerging Professionals Committee and an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee. If you would like to participate, please get in touch with and respectively.
I am wishing you all health and prosperity in the months ahead and looking to get the pandemic behind us all.
Lester Korzilius; FAIA, RIBA
President, AIA International Region