Adam Pantelimon, FRIBA, MRAIC, MCIP, RPP, Int’l Assoc. AIA
Greetings from AIA Canada!
In response to COVID-19, the AIA Canada Board of Directors is in the process of updating the organizational strategic plan, and reviewing priorities for the next 12 to 18 months.
At the end of April, the Chapter contacted RAIC for a first-step planning meeting to discuss opportunities for the RAIC conference, June 6-9, 2021 in Montreal.
In addition, the Chapter is looking to engage and to participate in bi-monthly national Construction Industry Roundtable meetings led by the Public Services and Procurement Canada, connect with the Canadian Council of University Schools of Architecture (CCUSA), as well with the Canadian Institute of Planners, Engineers Canada, and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.
AIA Canada is continuing to offer members plenty of learning opportunities, including:
May 27 - Transforming Aging Through Healthier Design - Willis
June 10 - Sustainable HVAC Design - Big Ass Fans
June 23 - The Design Versatility of the Single Component Metal Panel - Morin
July 8 - Nanotechnology - Willis
July 29 - Mass Timber Acoustics & Applications Part 1 - Wood Works BC/Canadian Wood Council
Aug 12 - Mass Timber Acoustics & Applications Part 2 - Wood Works BC/Canadian Wood Council
Aug 19 - Exterior Grade Phenolic & Rainscreen Cladding Systems.
New opportunities will be announced soon, so keep an eye on the IR website HERE.
On July 22, 2020, we were delighted to announce the launch of the first AIA Canada Honor and Merit Awards and AIA Canada Student Award – “New Talent Discovery of the Year”. Submissions are now open - learn more HERE.
Our chapter leadership plans to virtually attend the AIA CACE Annual Meeting in August. This is AIA’s premier annual event for chapter executives and staff. The executive will learn new best practices in member engagement strategies and about innovative programs AIA chapters are implementing in response to COVID-19.
Finally, we plan to hold our own Virtual Conference event later this year. The AIA Canada annual conference and AGM will take place during the AIA IR Conference in November, in partnership with the other IR Chapters.