AIA IR Founding and Platinum Sponsors:
The AIA IR sincerely appreciates the continued support of our Sustaining Founding and Platinum Sponsors listed alphabetically: AECOM, AHEC, ASI Group, Broad, Dornbracht, Dow and TNG. They, along with our International Chapters and leadership, have made it possible to initiate so many incredible events and benefits since our region’s inception.
We would like to take this opportunity to recognize our newest Sustaining, Platinum Sponsor, ASI Group – Integrated Building Products. They have a long relationship with AIA - active at annual Institute Conventions/Architecture Conference Expos and serving our members with shared values of integrity and excellence. ASI was honored in New York at A’18 with a CES Provider Excellence Recognition and the AIA IR was pleased to introduce their specialities and support at the Regional Conference in Singapore. Our new 2018 Sponsor, ASI Group, looks forward to meeting you all and to additionally supporting our newest Chapter in Canada. Please join us in warmly welcoming ASI to the International Region!
Additionally we would like to take this opportunity to recognize the sustainable leadership and continued support of our colleagues at Dow. They are not only a Sustaining, Founding Sponsor, but additionally stepped forward to develop, with our AIA IR Design Awards Committee, the new Sustainable Future Award. To this they have brought their partnership with the International Olympic Committee and created the unique opportunity to connect with their carbon capture programs. Dow has sponsored the SFA Award and its new elegant certificate and supported the Gala Awards events directly. We look forward to continuing to develop the SFA, to our members sharing their sustainable architectural solutions and to pushing the boundaries together toward a shared sustainable built future
We look forward to continued innovative opportunities and events and are grateful for all of our sponsors, our leadership and for all of you! If you or your colleagues would like to join us and help grow our region as a platform for sharing global best practices, please act quickly and contact us.
Thank you!