AIA IR Seeks Representative to the College of Fellow

The International Region (IR) is seeking to appoint a new AIA International Region Representative to the College of Fellows (CoF).

The new AIA International Region Representative will serve the College and the International Region for a three-year term starting in December 2018. The mission of AIA College of Fellows is to help lead our profession forward through mentoring and programmes which promote excellence in design and education; providing stewardship of the profession.

The International Region seeks nominations from interested candidates.  The representative will be selected by a vote of the Fellows in the International Region.  Candidates must be a Fellow (FAIA) of the AIA, and be a member of the International Region.  The International Region Board is strongly encouraging applications from Fellows in Asia, the Middle East Central/South America, and Canada, as these areas have not been directly represented to date.

In addition, a primary responsibility will be to bring forward candidates, from the International Region, for elevation to the College of Fellows.

The CoF International Region Representative will be required to produce an annual one-page report on various activities and initiatives, and to participate in a twice annual teleconference with other the CoF Leadership and all the other AIA Regional Representatives.

With the support and coordination of the AIA IR Leadership, the new CoF AIA IR Representative will promote initiatives with the AIA International Chapters, and will be invited to participate in International Region meetings and discussions to promote the mission of CoF and the broader goals of the AIA International Region.

Interested candidates should indicate their interest by September 15th.  The submission should include a 500-word maximum statement together with relevant supporting information.  This information should be sent to Sherif Anis, AIA; IR Secretary at  Voting will take place in September and early October, with results expected to be announced by October 12th.

