As the Representative to the President’s Forum for the International Region I hosted a table about international advocacy. This was one of the programs at the New York A’18 Conference on Architecture. Attached are materials noting those participating groups and country organizations. It was a very good opportunity to talk with architectural organizations around the globe and explain what we at the International Region provide to our members and the local public as well as hear from the organizations how they feel about our activities. I must say the meeting was very informative and it is very interesting to hear about a subject such as advocacy from other perspectives. Many times I heard suggestions in a country such as Australia that was very enlightening where architects are very involved at every level of government and a country such as Mexico that has substantial stress with the USA.
The photographs are indicative of a meeting that the Strategic Council (48 members) just had in Madison, Wisconsin discussing our programs and updates that will eventually be suggestions at a Big picture level to the AIA Board of Directors in the future. This is our third meeting of the year.
There are multiple subjects being pursued by these committees that eventually will be forward, after a year’s work, in September. Each group has between 3-7 members. The subjects are: Forecast Knowledge (I am a contributor to this group on Global matters), Transforming Architectural Education, Innovative Business Models, Organic Engagement and Collaboration, Professional Development (I am a member of this group), Local City Architect, Targeted Public Awareness, Changes to Society, and R:AR;VR; all about technology.
The Strategic Council also presents a person from its group to be on the AIA Board of Directors for 2019-2010. I am one of three that are being considered.
Steven Miller; FAIA; RIBA