Brazil - September 2020

Q3 summary  

  • Brazilian Country representative appointed on 04-21-2020 

  • Contacted all members by email and/or phone 


Q3 Brazil Report 

The kick-off of the Country Representative initiative in Brazil had, along with other countries, a major obstacle due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the sudden lockout at that time represented a barrier to networking and collaboration for the newly assigned position, it later developed into an opportunity for virtual collaboration and efficiency through a new culture of remote connections. Brazil has a small community of AIA members, but a large group of architects interested in expanding their contact with other countries, architects, and experiences. With this in mind, the Brazilian CR started a partnership with AsBEA (Brazilian Association of Architecture Offices) through its Internationalization Program, Built by Brazil. We expect that in the fourth quarter of 2020 this partnership will result in some events. In addition to AsBEA, the Brazilian CR reached CAU-MG (chapter of Council of Architecture and Urbanism - MG) to further increase local collaboration between AIA International and local entities. As a result of this partnership, we produced and published the live presentation BIM - Challenges and Success Cases, currently hosted on the International AIA Website


Roadmap for Q4 2020 - Q1 2021  

  • Organizing AIA International Virtual Conference Talk Architecture in Transformation - The future of cities on a post-pandemic world with Anthony Ling and Raul Lores with support from AsBEA, CAU-MG and SEBRAE 

  • Considering support for the SEBRAE Minascon – Minas Gerais Construction Conference on November 15-19 

  • Webinar with Built By Brazil tentatively planned for December 

  • Contacting Universities to evaluate possible collaboration.


Gustavo Rocha Ribeiro

Country Representative - Brazil 

Architect and Urbanist UFMG 1992 

CAU Board member 2018-2020 (running for 2020-2023) 

AsBEA MG Board Member 

AIA International Associate 

Sito Arquitetura Principal