The 2025 Spring Conference: Trailblazing Architecture is now on, March 20-22 - Join the Event!

Josef Hargrave

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Global Foresight Leader, Arup

Josef has a background in Biology, Innovation Management and Corporate Foresight. He has spent the last nine years working at the global design, engineering and consulting firm Arup. As Arup’s Global Foresight Leader, he is responsible for the delivery of foresight services and projects globally, working across Arup’s Americas, Australasia, East Asia, Europe and UKIMEA regions. Josef’s clients and collaborators include Arup leadership teams as well as external organisations from a broad range of sectors.  

Josef leads a multi-disciplinary team of designers and consultants that specialise in strategy, innovation, thought leadership, and vision making around the future of the built environment. This includes the analysis of trends and plausible futures, the mapping of implication for strategy and design, the identification of new opportunities for product- and service innovation, and the development of strategic insights. Current focal areas include Arup's cities strategy, digital transformation programme, and sustainable development plan.  

Josef is an experienced project manager, facilitator and public speaker. His work combines foresight advisory with Arup’s global design and engineering expertise, providing clients with unique insights and recommendations on the future of their business.  

Josef is a Board Member at the Museum of Architecture and a Futures Fellow at London Transport Museum. He leads several of Arup’s thought leadership programmes including Cities Alive and the Future of… series.

Keynote Lecture: Designing for a new normal - Rethinking the future of building design