AIA UK Emerging Professionals - Archiprep Demo
Image courtesy of
When: Monday 19 July 2021 @ 13:30 (Eastern US Time)/ 18:30 (UK time)
CES Credits - 1.0 LU for AIA Members (TBC)
Archiprep is a premier Architect Registration Exam (ARE) prep resource designed by the AIA to help young professionals get licensed faster. These low-cost and high-quality prep materials were designed due to interest from our members. Adapting to the ARE 5.0 materials, a team of experts will continue to update the study materials so that they best reflect the exam.
Please join us on July 19 at 6:30 pm BST for a session with Aaron Grant, a Senior Manager of the ARE Archiprep product, who will give us a tutorial on how to use the program.
Aaron Grant, Senior Manager, ARE Archiprep