AIA IR Brazil - Biophilic Urbanism — AIA INTERNATIONAL

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AIA IR Brazil - Biophilic Urbanism

AIA IR Brazil - Biophilic Urbanism

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Sergio Myssior, Director, Myr Projetos Sustentáveis
Moderator: Gustavo Ribeiro, AIA IR Country Representative, Brazil

CES: 1.0 LU/ HSW for AIA Members

Event Description

Around a set of single-family condominiums already implemented, the CSUL development project was started, with about 2700 hectares of areas remaining from mining activities and eucalyptus planting. In the center of this area there is an artificial lagoon, used for the practice of water sports and also for the generation of hydraulic energy, according to the system implemented by the englishmen who developed mining in the region back in the 19th century. At the background, an important environmental, cultural and landscape asset: the Serra da Moeda.

In this context, MYR has begun environmental and urban studies for the development of CSUL. The main objective was to create a biophilic urban development model, with solutions based on nature and oriented by the following guidelines:

- Landscape connectivity
- Formation of ecological corridors
- Integration with Protected Areas Systems for Metropolitan Environmental Preservation
- Restoration of degraded areas and forest restoration
- Valuing the landscape, the environment, water resources, material and inmaterial culture, tourism and sports activities in the region
- Support for urban development with strict environmental and landscape considerations

The result of the work was called MACRO environmental and urban evaluation, offering regional modeling with the guidelines for the implementation of biophilic urbanism.



Sergio Myssior, Director, Myr Projetos Sustentáveis

Sergio Myssior graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (1996), MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (1999). MSc in Built Environment and Sustainable Heritage at Federal University of Minas Gerais (2020).

Experience in environmental and urban areas, with emphasis on environmental and urban planning, working mainly in the following areas: consulting and technical advice, environmental licensing/permitts, environmental studies (EIA / RIMA), urban studies, mobility plans and adaptation, resilience and climate change plans.

Throughout his professional career he has contributed with several entities and councils in the areas of architecture, urban planning and environment, namely: Brazilian Institute of Architects – MG; Brazilian Council of Architecture and Urbanism of Minas Gerais (CAU / MG). He was a member of the Municipal Council for the Environment of Belo Horizonte.

He has extensive production of technical papers and articles, published in specialized magazines and journals, as well as lectures and workshops. He is a specialized commentator on CBN Radio, where he discusses topics related to architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage, urban mobility, climate change and sustainability. He is currently director of Myr Projetos Sustentáveis, where he carries out several technical activities in the areas of sustainability, environment, urban and regional planning.

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Moderator: Gustavo Ribeiro, AIA IR Country Representative, Brazil

Born in Curitiba, Brazil, Gustavo Ribeiro obtained his Architecture and Urban Design bachelor degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais State – UFMG in 1992. He founded Sito Arquitetura in 1994, after winning the "National Competition for the Usiminas Cultural Center at Ipatinga, MG Brazil”, from which a book was later published in 1996. This significant prize created an excellent opportunity for him to achieve a rich experience at an early career stage, leading to 24 years of generalistic practice.

He has won many other noticeable competitions throughout his career, namely Milton Campos Square, Betim MG; Belo Horizonte Centennial Landmark; COHAB headquarters, Belo Horizonte, MG.

At Sito Arquitetura he is the head of various scales and typologies designs and has been diligently working on Single Family, Multi Family, Housing, Comercial, Hospitality, Retail, Mixed-use and Urban Development projects in Brazil and Africa.

He is currently a board member of CAU; BIM committee member of AsBEA; construction committee member of EABH; and AIA IR Country Representative for Brazil.

In 1999 he took a graduate specialization course in Real Estate Development at FUMEC University in Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil, increasing his knowledge in this area. Since then, he has started a real estate development initiative, researching, planning and delivering projects. He truly believes that an insightful architect vision in this industry can greatly improve the way people relate to their environment.